Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Guy talking to police sketch artist
Friday, August 20, 2010
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Great Uncle Hubert's Unpopular Sayings!
"You can't be a bouncer without breaking a few eggs to practice breaking things."
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Great Uncle Hubert's Unpopular Sayings!
"Happy birthday to you, shame on you, Happy birthday to me, shame on me twice."
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Great Uncle Hubert's Unpopular Sayings!
Today's saying: "Give a man a fish he'll eat for a day, Give a man many fishes he'll eat for a lot longer than a day. Maybe several weeks. It depends how many fish you gave him really."
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Runner up names for the Cart Wheel
- The Rolly Rue
- The Flippity Do Doe
- The head over hand over hand over foot foot
- The Mustard Gas Dash
- The Dippsey Doodle
- The Wheel Cart
- The Car Tire
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
"Tell you what, you tell me your secret, I'll give you a ride in this balloon"
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Worst Things To Put Sprinkles On
Sprinkles are good on a lot things, but they're bad on a lot of things too. Like these things:
- Really bad cake (waste of sprinkles)
- On dessert of last meal of death row convict (they don't really deserve sprinkles*)
- The bowl of sprinkles you're eating (that's enough sprinkles now)
- Grease fire (It will only make the fire worse, use an extinguisher with fire retardant foam)
- You're paint ball opponent (if you're out of paint balls, just call it a day)
- Your salad (sprinkles are neither a bacon bit substitute or a lettuce substitute (if poured on bacon bits))
- An open wound (Disregard if you are participating in a fester contest)
- Cake at a funeral (Someone's going to take a look at all those happy sprinkles and burst into tears)
Monday, August 9, 2010
Transcript From My Stenographer Job Interview
Interviewer: "Listen, if you could not type what I'm saying that would be great....all right you proved your point, you're a great stenographer, you're hired, welcome aboard...please stop...I get it, you can type what people say, great...this interview is over. You got the job. See you tomorrow....please leave........alright, this isn't going to work out. Job offer could you please come up here? is coming....any moment now...please stop typing..........Security please escort this man from the building....just take the stenograph from him...peal off his fingers....that's quite the grip...okay try the other hand the one doing the typiasdfkl;ja;j;;fj...stop his nose from pressing the keys asd;kf;fadsfkl; know what, no. Security let him stay. He has tenacity. The kind I like to see around here. You're hired again! I'm not going to say anything else....I'm going for lunch."
Friday, August 6, 2010
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Kid: "Wow! The Magna Carta? In my town's Burger King?"
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
The New Mustache
Guy 2: I know, here let me rub it across your arm.
Guy 1: Yeah, now I'm feeling it.