The 2010 "Whisper Expo" has just wrapped up in Toronto and yours truly, thanks to one of my many business trips to large national and international cities, had the luxury of attending. Here are some things I overheard:
- Shhhh
- Here's my card, I need a whisper like yours in my roster.
- The keynote speaker was great, I could barely hear him.
- Really good layout this year. I loved the library theme.
- Pss Psss Psss Pss Pss
- That movie "Whisper Force" looks awesome.
- Yeah, the trailer had the voice volume I like in a movie, but we'll see, they usually save the best parts for the trailer.
- Do you know where the men's room is? Oh no my micro phone was on when I whispered that!
- All that whispering has me hankering for a Whisper Whopper.
- I didn't like how the janitor didn't whisper when I asked for directions.